Sunday evening: tired and happy
Today's been pretty tiring but really good. By God's grace I was able to preach at Brickhill, the first time I've done so since the end of June. I preached from Judges 6 on the theme of "Weak become heroes". If you like, you can hear it here. (The brilliant drawing to the left that I used in my PowerPoint was done by one of the girls in Brickhill's youth group.)
I'm always hugely grateful to God when He allows me to preach because I love doing it, and it blesses others too. To me this confirms what Frederick Buechner said about calling/vocation, that it is "the place where your deep gladness meets the world's deep need." I don't really have much brain left at the end of a preaching day, so all I can really say to Him, from the bottom of my heart, is "Thank You."
I'm always hugely grateful to God when He allows me to preach because I love doing it, and it blesses others too. To me this confirms what Frederick Buechner said about calling/vocation, that it is "the place where your deep gladness meets the world's deep need." I don't really have much brain left at the end of a preaching day, so all I can really say to Him, from the bottom of my heart, is "Thank You."