Trials 7 - Gaz's story

Gaz is a brilliant guy. I’ve known him for years and his passion for Jesus is an inspiration to me. He loves being active, and he loves telling people about Jesus. So when the genetic condition Wilson’s Disease began to affect him, rapidly reducing his ability to speak and moved, it seemed to be taking away much that was precious to him. This is his account of how he responded:
“At first when I got ill I was full of faith for healing. It’s now six months on and I’ve only got worse. It’s hard to see that God is good when you pray the same thing everyday and see nothing happen, and hear and feel nothing from Him.“So at first I didn't trust God. I couldn’t see that any good could come from my illness except healing and therefore glory for God, and God wasn’t healing me. I knew in my head God is good but in my heart I started to doubt that He really loved me.“Then one day it hit me. Well God spoke, I believe. He said ‘I’m weeping over you’. I realised it was breaking His heart to see me ill but that it had to happen to accomplish His purposes for me. I saw that he was teaching me patience and perseverance and trust. It’s easy to trust when everything’s rosy. I saw that this wasteland period wasn’t a waste. I now find myself praying things like ‘Lord don’t end this till I’ve learnt what you’re teaching.’ So I’ve taken some time off Uni so I’m not too busy to learn these things: I don’t want to miss a thing.“I hate being ill and I won’t accept this illness. But I’ve come to accept this season. I’ve become more thankful for the ways God's blessed me; rather than cursing God that I'm ill in my first year of marriage I'm thanking God for my wife who looks after me so well.“I still pray for healing everyday. I only have a mustard seed left but that’s all you need. Come on Lord!”
Since writing this, Gaz's condition has gradually improved, he completed his degree with great success, and is now working at a school.
Next: summary, conclusion, and other resources to help you.
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: What is a trial?
Part 3: Where do trials come from?
Part 4: We need trials
Part 5: Responding to trials 1
Part 6: Responding to trials 2
Part 7: Gaz's story
Part 8: Summary, conclusion, and other resources
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: What is a trial?
Part 3: Where do trials come from?
Part 4: We need trials
Part 5: Responding to trials 1
Part 6: Responding to trials 2
Part 7: Gaz's story
Part 8: Summary, conclusion, and other resources